DUKE User Guide


  1. list

  2. todo

  3. deadline

  4. event

  5. done

  6. delete

  7. find

  8. help

  9. bye



list - Returns the list of tasks in the Task List

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
 1. [E][✔] birthday (at: 09 Oct 2020 1800)`
 2. [T][✘] finish iP
 3. [E][✘] birthday (at: 14 Sep 2020 0900)
 4. [T][✘] eat dinner!

todo - Adds a TODO into the Task List

Example of usage:

`todo read a good book`

Expected outcome:

Now you have a new task! :
[T][✘] read a good book
Type 'list' to check your Tasklist

deadline - Adds a deadline into the Task List

Example of usage:

`deadline finish iP /by 2020-09-18 0000`

Expected outcome:

Now you have a new task! :
[D][✘] finish iP (by: 18 Sep 2020 0000)
Type 'list' to check your Tasklist

event - Adds an event into the Task List

Example of usage:

`event Mom's Birthday /at 2020-10-10 1800`

Expected outcome:

Now you have a new task! :
[E][✘] Mom's Birthday (at: 10 Oct 2020 1800)
Type 'list' to check your Tasklist

done - Completes the task at the specified position

Example of usage:

`done 6`

Expected outcome:

If task was not done before:

Nice! This task is getting done!!
[✔] finish iP

If task was done before:

This task is already done!
[✔] finish iP (by: 18 Sep 2020 0000)

delete - Deletes the task at the specified position

Example of usage:

`delete 6`

Expected outcome:

If index in range:

The following Task is removed from the TaskList!!
[✔] finish iP

If index not in range:

You do not have 6 tasks!
Choose a number less than equals to (size of tasklist)!

find - Finds tasks in the Task List that contains the keyword

Example of usage:

`find birthday`

Expected outcome:

If task found with keyword:

There were 2 tasks found
1.[E][✔] birthday (at: 09 Oct 2020 1800)
2.[E][✘] birthday (at: 14 Sep 2020 0900)
3.[E][✘] Mom's Birthday (at: 10 Oct 2020 1800)

If no tasks found with keyword:

There are no tasks found in this find!

help - Returns a list of commands and their uses

Example of usage:

`help` OR
`help todo`

Expected outcome:

If help without command:

Enter "help" followed by the command returns the specific instructions for the command
e.g help OR help todo

If help with a command:

todo - Adds a TODO into the Task List
Enter "todo" followed by a spacing before entering the task
e.g todo read a book

bye - Saves the Task List into a txt file and terminates the program

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye! Hope to see you soon again?!

#Thank you for reading!